The Key to Transforming Your Relationships? Stop Expecting the Same Old Thing!

If a better relationship with a family member, spouse, co-worker, or even your children is on your vision board, it is SO IMPORTANT that you learn to expect a beautiful outcome and not expect the same outcomes you always experience in your interactions.
I have a client who was very frustrated with her husband. They were in a rut and, from her perspective, he was a grouch, didn’t appreciate her, never complimented her, and didn’t care to keep things exciting. Of course, the first steps to manifesting a better relationship with someone in your life is not to change them, but to visualize what you want and state affirmations that solidify what the new relationship is.
But here’s where so many people fall short—don’t expect that the same behaviors will prevail. With my client, we created a great daily practice for the manifestation of a newly invigorated, romantic marriage, yet just as we were saying our goodbyes she asked “Wait, what if he starts doing the same things again?” So I sat back down and we talked about the perils of lowering her vibration and not trusting the Universe to deliver on the great relationship she wanted.

​​ When you go into situations expecting the worst from your relationships, “knowing” what is going to happen, you are going to get EXACTLY that result.  We know that insanity is going about things the same way and expecting the different results, so why would you go into a situation with the same mindset that you’ve always had? Whatever your mindset is and whatever you expect is going to be exactly the result you get. There are two reasons why this happens.
First, our vibrations are so much stronger than we care to believe! If you expect that your coworker, spouse, parent, or child is going to behave in a way that you know you’re going to be disappointed with, you’re putting out a low vibration, so they’re going to match that vibration with, “Hey, okay, you think I’m that person that you don’t like? Then I’m going to be THAT person!”! If you put out a high vibration of love and appreciation, you’re totally changing the tone of what comes out of you and, therefore, what you’ll get back in return is the same great vibe!
Second, we have a way of taking all the facts that we see around us and making them fit directly into our beliefs. There is a classic story about an accident that happened. There were five people who were each interviewed and all five people came away with very different interpretations of what happened. If you looked at the facts that each presented, all the facts matched up, but they each believed very different reasons for the accident occurring, and those same facts supported their beliefs; they aligned with the story match that they wanted it to. So, too, will this happen to your relationships if you expect that you know what will happen in each interaction. You will make all the circumstantial evidence support your negative beliefs about that person.
So, it’s wonderful if you want to manifest something warm and wonderful for your relationships, but you are not doing yourself a service if you hang on to what you believe to be true, in the negative, rather than trusting the Universe to deliver more love to you. As a matter of fact, you’re being mean to that person! Be happy, be loving, and focus on what you really appreciate about the people in your relationships. Whether it’s your girlfriend, coworker, boss, client, or prospect, remember to always smile. Smile on the inside because you really can’t put off a negative vibe while you’re smiling and KNOWING how wonderful that relationship is. You’ll have amazing results, and your relationship will transform like magic!
For a great list of affirmations for your relationships, click here!

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