Connect to More of the Universe with Creativity

Hopefully you invest time regularly for visualization and meditation to make connections between your dreams and universal sources. To create the most connections, we know we need to take these actions often. But in order to make more of the strongest connections, we need to exercise our CREATIVITY.

Your creativity function is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to consistently get better and stronger results. If you practice your creative thinking muscles, you’ll soon become strongly connected to the infinite opportunities that are out there for you.

So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Start off with something easy—become an information sponge, absorbing as much new knowledge as you can find. Read, research, and ponder things outside your normal interests to keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe. Read a specialty magazine you never picked up before. Go to the library or explore a friend’s book shelf for unknown titles. Caution: while television has broadened our horizons in many ways, watching passively is not a fitting creative exercise. Instead, try perusing topics on or

Next, kick it up a notch and focus on a truly creative or adventurous activity every day. It may take effort, but you will be rewarded, and you are not being graded. Trying something new allows sparks in your brain that would not occur doing the routine things you do. You may find that you’ve been missing out on a lot of experiences that could add to your growth—emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

Other ideas: Practice drawing or painting for a couple of minutes each day. Play any musical instrument in the house. Bring out your camera and start composing photos and playing with the light settings. Start a writing journal. Another idea that fits well with affirmations and visualization is to describe something with your five senses. Write in terms of the sounds, colors or smells that surround your visualization. Fill your affirmations with real sensory descriptions. Explore a new area in town. Take a new way home from work.  Spend an afternoon in a museum that you haven’t visited yet.  Open up to the people around you, such as chatting with someone on the bus. Not only will you learn new things, but you’ll have enlarged the universe of connections and pathways to bring you the manifestation of what you seek.

As you thrust yourself out of your comfort zone more and more each day, your sense of adventure grows and so does your zest for life and your connections with the universe. Prepare to be amazed at how some new perspectives help make new connections and allow the universe to deliver the path to your desires. 

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