Rapid Resolution Therapy®
and Reiki

Rapid Resolution Therapy

Rapid Resolution Therapy® is a revolutionary approach to mental well-being!

Life’s twists and turns can leave us with a tangled web of emotions and behaviors that seem insurmountable. Imagine trying to fix a building’s structure with just a fresh coat of paint—it just wouldn’t work.

Rooted in the belief that the fundamental directive for all life is to survive and then thrive, the RRT perspective extends this principle to human experiences. It recognizes that the mind, driven by the prime directive, influences our emotions, thoughts, sensations, impulses, habits, and behaviors. These behaviors, both internal and external, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, operating involuntarily and independent of conscious thought.

Harnessing the power of the mind, RRT facilitates healing by communicating with both the conscious and subconscious levels. This precision allows for a holistic transformation, addressing emotional and physical disturbances. The method is not only effective but also gentle and enjoyable, bringing relief to the nervous system and promoting ease in navigating life.

You’ll discover the potential for profound change through the innovative and empowering lens of RRT for issues including:

Resentment • Regret • Shame • Guilt • Grief • Jealousy • Heartbreak • Chronic Pain • Worry • Self-Consciousness • Anxiety • Depression • Loneliness • PTSD • Panic Attacks • and more…

In your “Free ‘n Clear” RRT session, we won’t mask the issues; we will clear the mind of negative beliefs and stuck thoughts, paving the way for new possibilities. Say goodbye to dwelling on the past and fearing the future. By addressing conflicts in the unconscious mind, RRT unlocks the door to automatic and lasting change. Healing comes from within through simple shifts in perspective:

Clearing the belief “I’m not good enough”

Clearing procrastination and causing feelings of motivation to take action on what you want

Clearing the discomfort around other people’s judgments of you

Clearing regret, guilt, or resentment associated with events that “Shouldn’t be happening” or “Have happened”

Clearing limiting money beliefs (or any undesirable beliefs) and installing new 

Amplifying more feelings of bliss 

Creating boundaries that feel good

 Not knowing what to do next and creating feelings of clarity

Neutralizing intrusive thoughts and decrease sensations of anxiety

Weight Loss through the RRT Lens

RRT Results

Reiki Treatment

The word “energy” comes from the Greek word “energeia” which means to “provide movement.” Energy is a “universal life force” which pervades all invisible and visible realities. This energy, the “vital life force,” permeates our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self. It flows in and around all aspects of our being. It flows through us by means of the Chakras, which flow from the spinal chord and form seven layers of aura around us. Energy is the living force emanated by consciousness.  All energy follows thought. Where we place our thoughts is where energy will begin to manifest. If we change our imaginings we change our world.

Mary, a Master Reiki Teacher and practitioner, attunes to vital, curative forces visible and invisible, physical and spiritual, so as to be a conductor of healing energy. When this energy is applied or channeled, healing takes place. Healing by means of energy has to do with channeling energy as well as balancing it; it is an exchange of energies–success depends just as much on the receiving as on the giving.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Increases energy and vitality

  • Works on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels

  • Adjusts itself according to the needs of the recipient

  • Supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself

  • Relieves pain

  • Reduces stress and promotes a state of total relaxation

  • Creates inner harmony and awareness

  • Promotes calmness and serenity

  • works on emotional and mental disorders

  • Works on relationships

  • Promotes a loving and gentile spirit

  • Complements other therapies

  • Heals animals, plants, and the planet 

Reiki Results