Embrace the Law of Attraction Formula to Land the Perfect Job

Originally written for Thrive Global.

The Law of Attraction, the natural law of the universe that says that we magnetically attract what we are focused on with our thoughts, is a sure-fire way to land your dream job. The formula to manifest whatever you want with the Law of Attraction is:

  1. Ask.
  2. Believe.
  3. Receive.

The “Ask, Believe, Receive” steps to get there may seem oversimplified, but if you internalize the process you’ll find that it all makes perfect sense. Most of the guidance asked of me centers around the topic of career, and the Law of Attraction, when put into practice, works every time!

THIS IS A TRUE STORY. Paul had a meaningless job he accepted after looking for work for

a long time after a layoff. Not only was the job meaningless, he commuted more than 3 hours in his car in traffic each day. No flexibility, no upward growth. He appreciated that he had income and benefits, but after a short time on the job he knew he had to keep looking. For more than a year he tried to find a job that was a good fit for him, but even when something seemed promising it just never worked out.

I spoke with Paul and asked him tons of questions about what he was looking for. As I threw ideas out to him, he consistently responded “nope, that’s not what I want.” Pushed, he finally qualified, verbally, what his dream job would be like. The more he talked about it, the brighter his expression became. “These are the ways I want to use my talents… These are the kinds of companies that really resonate with me… These are the tasks I love to do… These are the kinds of people I want to work with…. This is what really gets me excited when I imagine my dream role…” And, most clearly, he said “I want to work close to home.”

A few days later, on a Wednesday, Paul had one of his longest commutes to work ever. He texted me when he arrived at work and said “I can’t believe it took me two hours to drive to work today, but that’s okay. I feel really grateful this morning.” It was nice to hear. Anytime we’re in gratitude, our energetic vibration is really high.

The next day was a Thursday, and Paul found out that the mother of a friend had passed away, and that night was the night to pay one’s respects at the friend’s home. This friend is a very respected person in the community, and many people Paul knew were going. But Paul decided that he wasn’t going. What would compel him to not show up for this important night for his friend? Paul had learned that that same night there was a local blood drive. He didn’t often get a chance to give blood, and being that he has a rare blood type he felt very compelled to do this rather than go to his friend’s home to pay his respects.

Paul arrived at the location to donate blood with 30 minutes to spare before they were closing down. As he got comfortable in the chair, an acquaintance of his happened to walk through the door to give blood as well. When he saw Paul, his face lit up and he said “Hey, if you’re open to it, I know about a job that you’d be perfect for.” Of course Paul wanted to hear more. After describing the opportunity his friend said “You’ve got to send your resume to that company tonight, though, if you are interested.” So at 10:00pm that Thursday night, Paul sent his resume to the email address his friend had given him at the blood drive.

The very next morning, Friday, the CEO of the hiring company called Paul. Impressed, he asked him to come in to their offices that Sunday to meet with the team.

Monday morning at 8:15am, Paul received a job offer.

Let’s recap.

  • After more than a year of job searching, Paul finally defined what a perfect job would look like for him.
  • The following Wednesday, he has a bad commute but finds himself in a wonderful state of gratitude.
  • Thursday, Paul defied social expectations in order to go where he felt compelled to go: to donate blood. There, he ran into a friend that on a whim told him about a job opportunity he knew of.
  • Monday, Paul received a job offer.

The best part? The job is four miles from his home. Four miles. 4.

So what does this have to do with the Law of Attraction?

ASK. The ask part is about clarity. Paul had previously been asking to not be in his painful job anymore. This is vague and energetically negative. But this time around, he wasn’t asking for just any opportunity. Instead, he got clarity. He was able to list what he wanted to do in his dream job, how he wanted to use his skills, the kinds of people he wanted to work with and for. That’s clarity, and when you get that clarity, that’s your positive vibrational intention. That is ask.

BELIEVE. Believe is remembering that we’ve got Universal source to tap into. The universe has our back. Our spirit guides are with us. God, or whatever you choose to call that spiritual presence, is connected to us, and as soon as you know and recognize that, you are in the believe state. You believe that it is possible to manifest what you want. And the path to that belief is gratitude. The attitude of gratitude is not just good for your health, it is what brings you those days where everything just flows into place. It’s what manifests the parking spots. It’s what manifests the coincidences that get you to where you want to go. Being grateful is believing.

RECEIVE. This is the tricky part. It’s the hardest part. To receive is to move through your day and through life with inspired action. Inspired action means doing what you feel compelled to do. It’s not worrying about being judged. It’s not letting fear get the best of you so you make the “right” choice rather than the choice that would have made you happier. Some might call it selfish, but 99% of the time “selfish” is what we choose to believe about our inspired actions rather than the truth—that no one cares. Receive is listening to your gut. Receiving the impulse to move in the right direction toward what the Universe wants to give you.

That’s how the Law of Attraction works. ASK by knowing with clarity what you want. BELIEVE by feeling gratitude in every situation to show the Universe that you know you are being supported, then RECEIVE by remembering that the purpose of your life is to feel joy, and that means not having regrets. Move through inspired action, not guilt or fear.

Paul is in exactly the kind of role he wants. He’s got his life balance back, and when he’s at work he is energized. Once he internalized the steps—ask, believe, receive—it happened lightning fast.

So if you’re frustrated about your job search or your current state of affairs, try this. If you string all of Paul’s moments together, you might only see coincidence, but there’s a reason for that coincidence. Be grateful, have clarity, and don’t worry about judgment, particularly judgment of yourself. Go where you want to go, just like a kid. Everything will fall into place. Everything will always work out for you.

If you’d like more hands-on assistance with your Law of Attraction practice, click here for the workshop schedule or click here one-on-one guidance in person or remotely..

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