How to Make Affirmations Work for You!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”  – Aristotle

​​ What do you want to see? What changes do you need to make? Are there goals you want to accomplish, but are perplexed as to how to get the resources you think you need? 
Many of the most successful, happiest, and creative people on the planet follow a simple regiment of saying daily affirmations to create an environment that will allow for the universe to provide everything they need. By clearing the mind of struggle and negative thoughts around what you currently know to be true, and instead replacing them with thoughts that are in alignment with what you want, you are activating a system of the brain called the Reticular Activation System (RAS) and making neuroplasticity, the ability of your brain to create new neuro-connections, work for you. This is the science behind what makes affirmations successful, and is a fundamental component of how the Law of Attraction works.
Every time you learn something new or take an interest in something, you create new connections in your brain that allow you your mind to open to the new awareness you just created; your RAS will show you more information that supports that new interest. That phenomenon in which you see a unique new car on the road that you really dig, and in a matter of hours you see it all over the road. That’s because previously it was not important to you — you didn’t have the connections that allowed that information to come through, until you made a point of observing and emotionally reacting to it.
The job of your RAS is to sort through all the the billions of pieces of information your brain receives to determine if what it is taking in is something you need, and that determination is based on how you are wired and what fits your current neuro-connections. Your RAS will keep bringing you what fits the mold of what you are focused on–information that already supports what you believe and what you are programmed to believe.
So lets create some new brain connections that are suited to the person you want to be and the goals you want to achieve! By telling your brain that you are already there, the universe will seemingly rapid-fire everything you need to become that person or achieve that goal in real life. Suddenly the right people show up, the information lands in your inbox, and the invitation arrives that is just the situation you need.

​​ Download the 336 Positive Affirmations for Personal Success guide to bringing affirmations into you life with hundreds of examples of affirmations to get you started! The guide is free and will be solid start to learning how to harness your power.

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