Keeping One Eye Open – Mistrusting the Process

Let’s talk about sending mixed signals to the Universe–vibrating on an energy of fear v. love and how that affects what you want to manifest.
If you read The Secret or you’ve been following me, my blog posts, or have come to any of my events, you know that the process for manifesting what you want is:

  1. ask,
  2. believe,
  3. receive.

That last step may be the most challenging. A key piece of this is that last step, receive. That means letting go and trusting that the Universe has your back—literally.
Let’s say your vision is about the new business that you’re starting and everything’s going really well for you. You put your vision together, you get clarity on your vision, you meditate, you visualize, and you affirm. You should be glowing at a high frequency and always saying ‘My business is phenomenal; my business is thriving.’
So, everything’s going well, but you’ve got one eye open and you’re thinking ‘Well, what if this doesn’t work out?’ So you also start checking the job boards. Uh-oh. You just went into fear mode! You were vibrating high at love, now you’ve switched into fear and you’re checking the job boards. What does that do for your frequency if you’re trying to manifest a successful business? It’s going to lower the frequency and the Universe is not likely to deliver too well on the vision you’ve set out for your business success.
Here’s another example: Let’s talk about maintaining health. If you fear not being healthy, you can affirm that you ARE healthy all you want, but if you can’t help but look at yourself, check yourself, touch, test, prod, poke, what you’re doing is you’re sending out a low vibration frequency of ‘I’m not healthy.’
So, how do you we fix this? How do we switch the vibe? How do you go from a low vibration of mistrust, wondering “how” the Universe is going to deliver and not believing that things are going to work out, to a high vibration of love, knowing that this is a beautiful and friendly universe that will deliver everything you dream and want?
The trick: Go right to the gratitude vibration. Gratitude is easy, right? It’s so easy to say:“I am grateful for my health; I’m grateful I have great doctors; I’m grateful that if anything is wrong with me, I would know it because my body speaks to me. My body takes care of myself, I’m in top form and I am grateful for it.”
As soon as you feel yourself starting to move to fear, to “check” that all is well, say ‘I’m being silly; everything always works out for me’. This is THE BEST catch-all affirmation – believe it! Close your eyes and remember ‘The Universe holds me close, and everything always works out for me.’ Go right to that gratitude when in doubt!
Slipping into a negative vibration is a habit – you have to catch yourself. It’s like quitting smoking! It’s very easy to stay in low vibration of fear. This is our challenge as humans: we are ego-driven and we go into protection mode. We have a victim mentality, this is how we were wired at the beginning of time so that we “survive.” Our ego slips us into the worst case scenario. We worry that anything can happen at any moment so we get prepared, and in being prepared we have to assume the worst and be in the negative vibration. However, we are also conscious beings. We are not our bodies. So it is our challenge every day to remember Source, to remember the Universe, to remember that we were meant to feel joy and freedom. Freedom in getting what we want and in the confidence of being healthy.
When you quit the low vibe and you quit the fear, you’re going to be happy, your frequency is always going to be high. You’re always going at yourself and say ‘Wow, I’m in such great health!’ Or “Wow, my business is such a success!” You’ll allow your intuition to bring you to the inspired actions that will gain you a successful business (but it won’t happen if you’re busy looking at job boards.
So fight the fear, move to love by moving to gratitude. Remember the big catch-all: “everything always works out for me.” Because when in doubt, that’s going to make you feel great. Because it’s true.

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