Here’s a question I get a lot: Why is it that the more I want something the more likely it is that I don’t receive it. How is the law of attraction working if I’m not getting what I want so desperately?
The needy mateIf you want something really bad, and you’re being really needy, you are not going to manifestMXLLS
it. We can see this happening all the time. Think about relationships. Sometimes they start out really good, but then one of the people becomes needy. Next, the other person drops them. Why? They got turned off by the low vibration of insecurity, and that low vibration not only doesn’t feel good to be around, the person emitting it isn’t being their authentic selves.
Trying to conceiveHere’s another example where we can see the physiology of the low vibration of insecurity and fear take over and inhibit manifestation. There is a known phenomenon regarding couples who are trying to conceive. Oftentimes, couples trying to conceive have a hard time. Then, the harder time they are having they may go into an insecure, fear-based vibration that they will not get the child they so badly want. They go through the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and through the process they become more worried, more desperate that the process works. In this emotional low-vibe state it is very difficult for the manifestation of that baby to happen. However, if the couple comes up with a new plan to adopt, and the adoption process is underway, their vibration shifts to gratitude, love, and acceptance that they are going to manifest the family that they so desired. Now that they are no longer desperate, lo and behold, they conceive.
Becoming Vice PresidentOne of my clients is a gentleman who works for a very big international company. He was sent across country on a special project for two years, and he was told that when he returned, he would have a VP position. In this organization, VP position meant director of a huge division, that it would be his when he got back. So he left to go to the other side of the country, and then it got extended to three years! When he came back to headquarters, they only honored their commitment to his remaining employed. They didn’t give him that VP position, and he was mad. The VP position was a promise to him, so for a year, he would talk to anybody who would listen to him about how he got short drifted and how he gave up three years of his life, and he was very verbal about asking when this promised position going to come. He was professional about it, but he was in “fight” mode. His drive and desperate need for this VP position was extremely strong and low vibration. But then he had his vibrational epiphany. He realized that nobody outside of him could tell him he was not a VP. He decided he was okay right where he was, and that, as far as he was concerned, he was a VP. He got comfortable in it. He stopped resisting his current situation and stopped fighting.
It was a matter of two weeks from that point when he got a phone call from his boss to tell him that she was offered a promotion and was moving on–and that HE was going to be her successor, which was VP. He never imagined in all of his struggle and strife that that would be how he would manifest this role that he wanted, and it was bigger than he ever could have imagined it would be. All he had to do was relax, appreciate where he was. He still had the vibrational intention of being a VP, but as soon as he relaxed and had his positive mindset, everything came to him.
Surprise AcceptanceHere’s another example: There was a young girl who applied to go to a special high school. This was the perfect school for her, she loved the program and the culture perfectly suited her, and she wanted it really badly! Unfortunately, when she applied in the spring to attend in September, she didn’t get in. She was very upset for several months. Eventually I was able to counsel her and explain that because she knew she belonged there, she could continue to visualize and vibrate there as though she were a student at that special high school. We also created a mind-shift plan for her to pause and appreciate where she was. We did an exercise where we listed all the things there were to be grateful for about attending her home high school instead. In a very short time, she began to relax into the idea of attending her home high school; she enjoyed registering for her elective classes, and she realized that she could sleep later if she went to her home high school, and she began to appreciate what she would enjoy about attending.
Again, it was probably two weeks’ time from her mind shift from “I need that other school so badly” to “yes, that’s where I belong, but I really appreciate where I am” when she got a letter from the special school –a school that doesn’t have a wait list, a school that says that they do not accept students after the acceptance letters have gone out—and the letter said that she was invited to attend the school.
The secret of “The Secret”Why does this happen? Why do you only manifest what you want when you have gratitude for what you have? How is it possible to want or need something so badly that the opposite occurs?
There are three steps to manifesting what you want:
- Ask,
- believe, and
- receive.
The “believe” and “receive” steps are somewhat intermingled. These are the steps where you trust that everything that you want will be provided to you, that you are meant to experience joy and freedom. When you trust that everything will happen as it should, you are in a high vibration. It’s a vibration of love and faith, and when you have combined your thoughts and intentions with this high vibration of love and faith, you will win every time.
However, as soon as you start striving, and struggling, and being needy, you’re in a low vibration. When you are in a low vibration, and you’re struggling, the vibration that you’re putting out is that you don’t trust that things are going to work out okay. You are relying heavily on the human ego side of what makes things happen. And, in this low vibration, you are cutting off who you are authentically.
So how do you do it? Find the gratitude. Find the things to appreciate about where you are already, adopt the affirmation “I am…” that assumes that you are already right where you want to be. “I am a VP.” “I am a student at a special high school.” “I am a parent.”Just internalize that, and then appreciate what you have around you. This makes your manifestation process flow easily, like oiling the cogs on a machine!
If you want something, let it go. Know that it’s yours. The check is in the mail. Everything’s on its way to you. Feel joyous knowing that it’s yours, and it will be yours.