Is there a black cloud over your head in a certain aspect of your life? Perhaps it’s related to your job– there’s always traffic or something happens on your way to work. Your files get lost or you have health issues that force you to miss work that in turn put you at risk for losing your job altogether. Maybe you know somebody who misses appointments constantly. He always has a good excuse, but why is it that these things keep happening to him? Or perhaps it’s your sister who every time she takes a step forward toward a romantic relationship she falls two steps behind and ends up going nowhere fast.
The black cloud is the Law of Attraction delivering on the vibrations we are putting out to the universe, and while we may be “saying” we want success, the stories we tell ourselves are putting out a much stronger vibration. And these stories are your emotional blocks.
The universe matches the vibration you put out. And you are putting out a vibration unconsciously 24 hours a day. If in your subconscious you don’t want the job you have or perhaps you have a fear of success, the universe is going to match that vibration and make your job a failure so that you are not successful. Your sister might really think she wants to be in a relationship, but the vibration she’s putting out is that she doesn’t want one. Why would she put out a vibration like that? Why would somebody not want to keep their job? Perhaps it’s a fear of success, a fear of love. Sometimes the perceived safety in what is familiar can far outweigh the unknown of what success might look like.
Dissipating the Cloud
Think about your black cloud. Look for the patterns. If your outward life experience does not match up to what you think you are striving for, it’s time to ask yourself what might really be going on. Discovering your blocks actually isn’t difficult. Try following these steps:
- Meditate. Sit an a quiet space and relax. Spend several minutes taking deep breaths and try your best to shut down the chatter of your mind focusing on the sound of your breath.
- Visualize. Now, imagine everything going right in that aspect of your life that has a black cloud associated with it instead of everything going wrong. Imagine the success and stay tuned into your emotions. Are you feeling exhilarated or are you feeling nervous? If you’ve got a black cloud it is likely that when you envision your success you feel nervousness or pain, or sensations that are tight and areas of your body.
- Ask Questions. Ask yourself as the fear is coming up “why am I anxious about the success?” “What is this fear coming up for me?” “What is pulling me back from the picture I want?”
- Dwell in the fear. The next step is to sit in that fear; feel it 100%. Take the time to live in it because that’s the space that’s preventing you from the successful outcome you know you really want. By feeling the fear you are no longer avoiding it. The more you allow yourself to feel this, the sooner you will be able to get past it. After a minute or two the intensity will begin to lessen. Then, slowly feel your actual surroundings and come back to the current moment and open your eyes. Recognize the real space you are in.
- Be your own voice of reason. Now that you’ve experienced the fear, examine it practically and determine whether it is based on past experience or perhaps messages and other stories you’ve been telling yourself. Are you getting in your own way? If your best friend had the same fears, what would you say to him or her? It is likely that when you step outside yourself and look at the situation objectively you will be your own best advisor.
Make it a regular practice to go through these steps to clear your blocks and break down your fear. Once they are cleared, you’ll be vibrating in the frequency of love and abundance, truly telling the universe that success is your truth. Let the sun shine in and the black cloud will be gone!