When and How Often You Should Visualize

So now that you have your vision board together, how often do you look at it? To practice the Law of Attraction well is to get your visions and the emotions/feelings associated with those images imprinted into your mind, so it is important to make visualization a daily practice. But there are elements of your daily visualization practice to consider.
If you only have seven minutes to spare, that’s okay, just COMMIT to doing it each and every day for those seven minutes, and do it fully. It is your INTENT that is most pivotal for visualization success.
If you can only visualize once each day, try to make it  just after waking in the morning, when your brain’s alpha waves are still present. This is when you are most receptive to receiving signals from the quantum universe and when your messages out to the universe are most clear.
Your visualization time should start with meditation to clear your mind for focus, and conclude with affirmations to further imprint your subconscious with the right beliefs to attract your goals.

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