Medical experts say emotional stress hampers your immune system.
The Law of Attraction says what you think about you bring about.
There is no better time to get your vibration straight than now. Manifest health, manifest your family thriving, manifest a stable economic situation for your future. This can’t be done if you are obsessed with worry and focused only on “what if” scenarios.
As a Certified Belief Clearing Coach, I’ve seen the power of the affirmations we unwittingly chant throughout the day, and the power of consciously creating and stating new ones.
I created this video to explain the science behind affirmations, how to incorporate them into your mindset all day long, and at the end is the opportunity to receive a special extended list for you of sample affirmations to use during this critical time.
Please watch. The art of creating positive affirmations will change the way you look at everything for the rest of your life!