When the new year rolls around, instead of creating resolutions, there’s only one thing you need to do to make everything you want to see happen come true.
With a fresh slate and new calendar to fill, it’s hard to resist the urge to establish goals and create our big lists of all the things that we’re going to do to improve and grow in the coming year. But if you put together a resolutions list, which is really a to-do list, you are setting yourself up to rely on your own sense of will and commitment—willpower that you need to change your whole daily structure, whatever that is, in order to accomplish what you want. But all of this self discipline that you are putting out there is telling the Universe:
☹ –> I need to do this on my own to take care of what I want.
And if you have been practicing your Law of Attraction mindset, you know that when we try to force something new into our routine without spiritual alignment, we are disconnecting from the source from which all inspiration and manifestation comes.
Right now, just one month into the new year, I have completely changed my eating habits, and I am enoying it! Eating things I never imagined I would like, not eating things I previously believed I needed, let alone enjoyed, and I am exercising regularly. I did the Law of Attraction work for two weeks. I did not pre-determine a diet or restrictions, I didn’t “commit” to shopping and exercising. Yet here I am having re-wired myself for health in just two weeks. I “became” a healthy person in my thinking and in the electromagnetic energy waves I sent out to the quantum field of potentiality, and what I got back was all the ideas, articles, dance class billboards, and everything at the right time and place. EVERYTHING went into motion at once, and physically I had zero resistance to what was coming in. It is not even one week into February and my wedding ring fits again, my skin is glowing, and people have started asking me why I look different! But the most amazing part is that this just feels right. There has been no torture in motivating to exercise, no “poor me” feelings of deprivation. Nope, this IS the new me!
You can do this, too. The only commitment I want you to make
to yourself for the new year is to set aside 15 minutes per day for yourself. In
those 15 minutes, you are going to meditate, visualize, and affirm your vision
for 2020—all the components of it. Whether it involves your health, financial
abundance, relationships, fun purchases, romance, if you’re a student and you
want to change your social life around, if you want to be a person that
attracts people, or if you want to be able to feel that you can be more
autonomous and not one with the crowd…WHATEVER this vision is that you have for
yourself for this year, get it all on paper or get it on a vision board.
The only thing you have to do every day, is meditate, visualize, affirm. You
can do it in the morning, afternoon, a little break, or before bed. Set the
alarm on your phone for five minutes. When you do that, you are allowing
yourself to completely release, close your eyes and get out of the chatter of
your head. Find comfortable space, sit comfortably or lay comfortably with your
palms up, in “receive” mode. What I like to do is bring my awareness to the
sounds I’m hearing, like I’m watching a movie, but with my eyes closed. This
really helps take me out of my mind chatter and just become one with my higher
When the alarm goes off, start to visualize, and by visualize I mean visualize
from the first person perspective. Envision what your life is like, the new
life that you have manifested. You want it to be as though it happened already.
You could do that with your mind or if you have a vision board, sit up, open
your eyes, look at your vision board, go through all the different symbols
you’ve put on your vision board, one at a time. Spend a moment, hold on each
one, thinking about what each symbol means to you feeling the emotion you feel
when you imagine that you’ve already manifested that thing. And then you can
affirm. Say each thing as though you already have it: “I’m in a wonderful,
supportive, romantic relationship.” “I’m popular.” “I get good grades.” “I have
a beautiful home at the beach.” “I weigh 125 pounds.” “I’m healthy and I love
going to the gym.”
Saying and embodying your affirmations brings on amazing feelings, but the best thing about affirmations is that this is what really rewires your mind and allows you to see all the cooperative components the Universe has laid out for you.
So 15 minutes a day in the new year. Meditate, visualize, affirm.
Get a free copy of 336 Positive Affirmations for Personal Success to get started!