Medical experts say emotional stress hampers your immune system.The Law of Attraction says what you think about you bring about. There is no better time to get your vibration straight than now. Manifest health, manifest your family thriving, manifest a stable economic situation for your future. This can’t be done if you are obsessed with …
Author Archives: marypetto
You only need this one resolution
When the new year rolls around, instead of creating resolutions, there’s only one thing you need to do to make everything you want to see happen come true. With a fresh slate and new calendar to fill, it’s hard to resist the urge to establish goals and create our big lists of all the things …
When It’s Better Than Winning the Lottery
Abundance, abundance, abundance! So often when we think about the opportunity to manifest anything we desire, we shoot right to money. We tie a lot of our happiness to money. Whether we have it or we don’t have it is all relative, depending on who you are and your situation. What is “lack of money” …
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Are You Blind to Opportunity?
The universal Law of Attraction says that we are magnets, attracting to us everything that resonates with what we think about, what we believe, and our intentions. How this works is really pretty easy: you decide what you want and stay in a high vibration expecting that you will get exactly what you want, knowing …
Protected: How to: Cord Cutting Meditation
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Embrace the Law of Attraction Formula to Land the Perfect Job
Originally written for Thrive Global.MXLLS The Law of Attraction, the natural law of the universe that says that we magnetically attract what we are focused on with our thoughts, is a sure-fire way to land your dream job. The formula to manifest whatever you want with the Law of Attraction is: Ask. Believe. Receive. The …
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Zip Up to Protect Your Energy—a How-to Guide
This is a really cool technique that will protect you in energy-zapping situations. For instance, if at your job your coworkers are not nice or they take your ideas or they’re highly critical and you know you’re going into a meeting that day, zip up your energy before entering the conference room. Or, perhaps you’re …
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The Secret to Happiness? Live by the Law of Rhythm
Originally written for Thrive Global. Oh, the joy of having everything go right! Where everything is in flow, the job is good, your sales prospects are phenomenal, your kids are busy and happy, and all is well with the world. But, oh, the pain when things take a turn; maybe your sales calls stop being …
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Use “Micro Meditation” to Have Incredible Days
You heard it here first. You can change the way your day–and your life–is going with quick stops on the meditation train, and you don’t need a yoga studio membership to accomplish it. Manifesting what we desire by changing our thoughts isn’t new; people have been making their dreams come true for thousands of years. …
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To Attract What You Want, Let it Go
Here’s a question I get a lot: Why is it that the more I want something the more likely it is that I don’t receive it. How is the law of attraction working if I’m not getting what I want so desperately?The needy mateIf you want something really bad, and you’re being really needy, you …